A Statue to Honour the Matchgirls
Why do we need a statue?
No public memorial to the Matchgirls
Matchgirls laid the foundations for modern day labour movement and unionism
Matchgirls deserve a permanent memorial for their role in improving workers’ rights
There is a woeful lack of statues for females in the UK
Total UK Public Statues 828
Non-fictional named women 65
Named ordinary non-Royals 27

Courtesy of: Public Monuments and Sculptor’s Association (data as April 2018)
What are we doing about it?
Formed a charity, ‘The Matchgirls Memorial’ in March 2019
Formed a team dedicated to make this happen (read about our Patrons, Ambassadors and Trustees)
We have the support of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, London and South East Regional TUC, Unite the Union and the GMB
Working with the Tower Hamlets Council to identify potential sites - first inspection September 2019
Held an initial Community Open Day event at the Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives for all residents and local interest groups to gather their views
Will hold more community events to raise awareness and benefit local people